Montana and Medkovets join forces to support local producers and implement projects. This was announced by the mayor of Montana, Zlatko Zhivkov, who is a member of the Board of the NSORB, during the opening of the first exhibition of small and medium producers in Montana. the event was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to present products created on the territories of local initiative groups from all over the country.
"These producers determine the quality of the regional markets with raw materials and products that are not available in the large retail chains" - said the acting Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Georgi Sabev, who arrived in the city to open a two-day exhibition.
An event such as today shows the visible results of the implementation of the LEADER approach, through which local communities are encouraged to look for new ways to remain competitive, Deputy Minister Sabev also stated. He recalled that currently 64 local initiative groups have been created and are working in the country under the operational program for the development of rural areas. Next year, their number is expected to reach 107 on the territory of 220 municipalities.
Over 50 producers from local initiative groups across the country were represented at the Montana exhibition. They implement their strategies in cooperation with the municipalities in whose territory they are registered. Therefore, mayors from the municipalities of Berkovitsa, Byala Slatina and Dragoman attended the event.
"This is another step forward for Montana, which until now could not implement projects under the program for the development of rural areas, because it did not fall into the category of rural municipalities, said the mayor of the host municipality Zlatko Zhivkov. He added that in the coming year, Montana will have the opportunity to implement a joint project with the municipality of Medkovets, through the creation of local initiative groups on the territory of both municipalities.